Justice Kennedy’s Retirement From The Supreme Court: Answers To Your FAQs
What does the pivotal justice's retirement mean for the Supreme Court -- and for the nation?
What does the pivotal justice's retirement mean for the Supreme Court -- and for the nation?
The demise of blue slips is good news for the federal judiciary -- and the American people.
Meet LexisNexis Protégé™, the new AI assistant that leverages personalization choices controlled by the user or their organization to optimize the individual’s AI experience.
April brought not one but two waves of new nominees from the White House.
What's the latest proposal on the table, and will it actually work?
Look for more confirmations in the very near future.
President Trump just announced his tenth wave of judicial nominees -- who are they?
Learn legal trust accounting best practices to ensure compliance and protect client funds. Discover expert tips to set your firm up for success.
The August recess offers a good opportunity to evaluate the state of play in judicial nominations.
* Harvard law students go all out in everything they do -- and lying is no exception. [New Yorker] * If you're looking to purchase ancillary legal services (e.g., business or litigation support), check out the Buying Legal Guide, just launched today by the Buying Legal Council and Legal.io. [Buying Legal Guide] * Joshua Matz explains how and when the Supreme Court might review the Trump travel ban (aka "Muslim ban"). [Take Care via How Appealing] * Speaking of the courts, here's Professor Carl Tobias's advice to President Donald Trump on how to fill those 100+ vacancies in the federal judiciary. [Washington and Lee Law Review Online] * Why is flying such a miserable experience? Blame not just the lawyers but also the index funds, as Matt Levine explains. [Bloomberg View] * A prominent professor sues Columbia Law School, alleging age discrimination. [TaxProf Blog] * Professor Eugene Volokh explains the First Amendment to government officials: "no, the government may not deny permits for speech because it views the speech as promoting 'bigotry or hatred.'" [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post] * Additional thoughts on what TC Heartland means for venue in patent cases, from IP columnist Gaston Kroub. [On the Docket / George Washington Law Review]
Names, names, and more names, for federal judgeships around the country.
Who are the winners and losers from clerkship chaos?
Corporate investment and usage in generative AI technologies continues to accelerate. This article offers eight specific tips to consider when creating an AI usage policy.
What do you think of the latest change to the law clerk hiring process?